Apart from America, which countries provide congenital citizenship? , Intellectual news

Apart from America, which countries provide congenital citizenship? , Intellectual news

At least 33 countries, mostly in the US, provide automatic citizenship to anyone born within their borders.

The federal judge of another United States has blocked the executive order of President Donald Trump, which aims to eliminate birthright for children of unspecified migrants.

Maryland District Judge Debora Boardman said, “Today, almost every child born on American earth is an American citizen at birth.” “This is the law and tradition of our country. This is law and tradition and the pending situation to resolve the matter will remain, ”he said.

Hours after swearing in on 20 January, Trump falsely claimed that the US is a “only” country with congenital citizenship. “It is ridiculous. We are the only country in the world that does this with birthright, as you know, and it is absolutely ridiculous, ”he said to the Oval Office.

This action is already on a nationwide temporary grip due to a separate lawsuit, where a Seattle-based federal judge declared the order “clearly unconstitutional”.

Overall, 22 states and several other organizations have filed cases challenging the executive order that aims to re -define the meaning of the 14th amendment, which guarantees citizenship to the people born in the US.

(al Jazeera)

What is congenital citizenship?

Birth appreciative citizenship is a legal principle that provides automatic citizenship to anyone born within the boundaries of a country, even if his parents’ nationality or immigration status. This juice is given under the principle of Soli (Right to Land).

The option of birth anniversary citizenship is determining citizenship on the basis of nationality or citizenship of one or both parents. A person born outside the US can be provided citizenship if his parents are American citizens under the principle of Juice Sangunis (Right to Blood).

The US also provides citizenship through a naturalization process, which requires specific legal documents, such as passing, language proficiency and citizenship testing.

How long is congenital citizenship in America?

The United States has retained congenital citizenship for more than 150 years, since the 14th amendment to the Constitution was confirmed in 1868.

“All individuals are born in the United States or under natural, and under its jurisdiction, are citizens of the United States and they live in the state,” it says.

The 14th amendment was introduced after the civil war to guarantee citizenship for former slaves and free African Americans.

This section has been interpreted by legal scholars, which means any person born in America, with some exceptions such as children of foreign diplomats, automatically becomes an American citizen, whether their parents’ parents automatically, whether their parents Regardless of nationality or immigration status.

Which countries provide congenital citizenship?

According to the Central Intelligence Agency World Factbook, at least 33 countries, mostly in the US, provide automatic citizenship to anyone born within their borders.

Many countries have conditional congenital citizenship such as being eligible for citizenship at the age of 18.

Countries with unconditional congenital citizenship have been revealed on the map given below:

Countries with unconditional congenital citizenship are listed below:

Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chili, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, Al Salvador, Gambia, Granada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Lesotho, Mexico, Panta, Panta, Panama. Paraguay, Peru, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincents and Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela.

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