Andrew Email shows contact with Epstein running beyond 2010

The Duke of York was in touch with American sexual criminal Jeffrey Epstein, as already accepted, appeared to show email published in court documents.
“Touch close and we will play something else soon !!!!” An email sent to Epstein from the “British royal family” said, “It is believed that Rajkumar is considered Andrew.”
The court documents from the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) show the email to be sent in February 2011.
In his BBC Newsnight interview, Prince Andrew said that he did not see or talked to Epstin after going to his home in New York in December 2010, a meeting he described as a “wrong decision”.
Email was revealed in a court case associated with FCA and banker Jess Steel, which was banned from senior positions after incorrectly putting his relationship with Epstein.
Steeli is appealing against FCA, but the evidence of the financial sentinel about the contact with Epstein includes emails related to “British Royal Family members”, which shows what the favorable and familiar exchanges seem seem .
In June 2010, Epstein emailed: “If you can find time to show Jess with Vera, it would be fun .. He told me that he ran into you tonight,” First Business News Agency Bloomberg In messages reported by.
A member of the royal family replied that who was Vera, and a few days later Epstein replied: “My future ex -wife, I know Jess and she would like to see home”. One dinner has been arranged.
In Prince Andrew’s Newsnight interview, he was asked about his cooperation limit with his colleague Financer Epstein, who was killed in jail in 2019, while waiting for another trial.
Andrew said he had stopped contact with Epstein “when I knew he was under investigation and he was later in 2006 and I was not in contact with him till 2010”.
In December 2010, a photographer captured Prince Andrew and Epstein at Central Park, New York, while Rajkumar stayed at Epstein’s house.
“Did that visit, December 2010, when you saw him only after being convicted?” The interviewer Emily Matallis asked Royal.
Prince Andrew responded to “yes”. Matlais then asked: “Did you see him or talk to him again?”, To which Andrew replied: “No.”
But the email shows after a few months of the New York meeting, if there is no direct interaction, there were still favorable exchange.
According to court documents, on 27 February 2011, Epstein emailed: “The next TU will be in the afternoon in Jess Steel London, if you have time.”
An answer from “British Royal Family members” with a question was: “Jess is coming 1 or next week?”
The court documents states that there was “discussion of press articles” and then message: “Touch close and we will soon play something else !!!!”.
The office of Duke of York has been approached for comment.