American demands Hizbullah will be released from the Lebanese government, Israel attacked Lebanon News

American demands Hizbullah will be released from the Lebanese government, Israel attacked Lebanon News

US Deputy Middle East Envoy Morgan Ortagas said that she was the ‘fear’ of the Lebanese Armed Group Hizbullah.

The United States has demanded that Hizbullah should not be a part of Lebanon’s government.

Morgan Ortagas, deputy Middle East envoy of Washington, said on Friday after meeting the Lebanese President Joseph AOun that he was “not afraid” from the armed group because he was militantly defeated “. However, it said that the US has made its continuous role “red line” in the government.

Shia Muslims, Iran -backed, Hizbullah is believed to be weakened by the recent Israeli war on Lebanon, but maintains an important political role.

The Ortagas told reporters, “We have set clear red lines … (Hizbullah) will not be able to terrorize the Lebanese people, and it is also involved in the government being part.”

US President Donald Trump is the first senior American officer to visit Lebanon since he took over and was elected as AON President.

The Lebanon leads to his journey amidst a stalled cabinet formation process, where government posts are placed on communal lines. Hizbullah’s colleague, Amal Movement, has emphasized on approved all Shia Muslim ministers, keeping this process in deadlock.

The Ortagas was widely expected to give a difficult message to the Lebanese officials about Hizbullah.

The ceasefire by the United States and France set a 60 -day time limit to withdraw Israel from South Lebanon to end the fight in late November, and to take out their fighters and weapons for Hizbullah and To deploy in the area for Lebanese soldiers.

However, the Israeli force remains for the operation of demolition in border villages in South Lebanon and the return deadline has now been extended to 18 February.

The Ortagas mentioned the new withdrawal date on Friday, but did not clearly say that the Israeli army would withdraw from the Lebanese region.

“February 18 will be the date of redistribution, when (Israeli) soldiers will finish their redistribution, and of course, (Lebanese) soldiers will follow them, so we are very committed to that firm’s date,” he said.

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