Amazon pixes the UK location for delivery by drone

Amazon pixes the UK location for delivery by drone

Emma Simpson

Business correspondent

Jona Morris

BBC North East and Kumbriya

Courtesy of Amazon, an Amazon drone in the air in the United States.Courtesy of Amazon

Test drone delivery in the US noticed that Amazon gave free items, such as soup cans, in the driveway.

Amazon has chosen Darlington as the first place in the UK, which is to see the parcel distributed by the drone.

It says that it will now start planning process for early flights from its supply center on the outskirts of the city.

The online veteran had earlier promised that it would start a drone delivery service by the end of 2024.

The Civil Aviation Authority still has to come up with the rules how commercial drones can be used safely for delivery.

Amazon admitted that there was still a lot of work, but it was “ready and excited”.

A statement said, “We have created safe and reliable drone delivery services elsewhere in the world, which are in close relations with regulators and communities, and we are working to do the same in the UK. “

How Amazon uses drones to distribute from the sky

Amazon provides drone delivery in a couple of American states.

The BBC was given a special access to see Prime Air Service in Chhoti California town of lockford,

Eligible customers were able to order small items and distribute them in less than an hour, could find a specified location to avoid drone obstacles and leave the package on the ground.

But Amazon’s drone still has to travel a long way before flying over Darlington.

Seriously, it requires CAA withdrawal to use airspace.

Amazon has been selected by the regulator to participate in new trials to expand the use of drones in the UK.

It is one of the six outfits, which are now testing flights without operators, which they need to maintain physical vision, although Amazon has not shown where it is happening.

The CAA said in a statement that it was working with the companies that they were “a safe and beyond the reality” to the drone operation beyond the visual line.

Why Darlington?

The Taceside International Airport said its senior management and air traffic control had worked with Amazon in the last 18 months to provide guidance and assistance.

Amazon is also submitting a planning application with the local council to construct an area next to the warehouse to unload and land flights.

The company’s supply center in Darlington is just a few miles from the city center, making it an easy place to reach customers.

The BBC understands that he is trying to fly within a range of seven and a half miles, leaving a nearby airport.

But Amazon needs to persuade the residents about their plans.

This will organize a community program in Darlington next month to answer questions and collect feedback.

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