A woman attacked by rapist recalls cruel attack

A woman attacked by rapist recalls cruel attack

BBC Maggi, who has golden hair with a fringe, is wearing a blue top with flowers on weapons. She is sitting on a blue leather couch with blue curtains in the background.BBC

Maggi was attacked by a guilty rapist in a hospital toilet

A sex attack survivor has talked about the moment when a convict rapist attacked him brutally in a hospital toilet.

Lee James Mulene, 38, Flint, Glan clwyd attacked a woman in a cubical at a hospital After meeting a friend, Bodelviddan, in Denbishire.

He has been put in jail for life for sexual harassment and beating with Maggi named Maggi, six months after his release from jail.

The attack stopped only when Maggi’s husband investigated him, which ordered the Mulene – to run away from the minimum period of seven years.

Warning: crisis material

Maggi said that when he opened the door of the cubical after hearing the voice of a man, his test started.

Then Mulen put his hand on his mouth and demanded sex.

“I was going to say that you are in the wrong toilet, or ‘what are you doing here?” Or whatever, “Maggi said.” But I did not get a chance to do anything like that. “

Maggi said that she told Mulen that she could not listen to her, and called her ‘no’ when she reiterated that she wants sex.

“Then he removed his hand a little from my face, then put it back and started punching me,” he said.

Mulen punched Maggi 25 to 30 times, while hitting her again, he lay on the “dead playing dead” on the floor, listened by the court, and sexually assaulted him.

Maggi said that she was “herself,” adding: “I felt that I was going to die on that floor.”

Maggi was found to be the most difficult after the first four weeks of the attack.

During that time she said that she was “hatred and detained” from her attacker.

“I am no more because hate is a feeling that takes everything from you,” she said.

“And I refuse to take him away from me.”

Maggi is physically recovering, when she was covered in blood with several injuries with a broken denture along with her face and neck.

North Wales Police Lee James Mulene North Wales Police

Lee James Mulene has been jailed for life for sexual harassment and beating with Maggi in a hospital toilet

Maggi said: “My face is still damaged. As you can see, I have not found any tooth at this time … they are on order.

“It’s psychological damage that is the worst. It’s not just for me, it’s for my family, it’s for my friends, it’s for those who do not really know me – but who in a toilet Will not go, a public toilet now, just in the case.

“Because at the end of the day these predators walk between us every day, and we will never know until they are branded.”

In the early 60s, Maggi told the Mold Crown Court, while “it could have happened to anyone, better it can be me compared to a 90 -year -old woman, which can ever be cured or a small A child or one of the ‘Angels’ wards that keep us safe.

After 11 years of jail for rape, Mulane was released from jail on license in June last year and Attack a woman in 2015,

He was visiting an acquaintance at Glan Clwyd on 10 December and was taking cocaine and drinking alcohol.

‘Very dangerous sexual hunter’

Mulen was arrested in the morning after the attack in a bag left in the hospital.

Maggi read his personal statement in court and said: “I don’t think he wanted to do what he wanted to do that night … My husband is my hero.”

He described the pain of the missing family incidents in the run until Christmas and then to tell his grandchildren that “a bad man” caused his injuries but “the police found”.

Despite the physical and emotional toll of the attack, Maggi said she had returned to work a few weeks later.

“I was firm to not go to win her,” she said, although she believes that she was going to die that night, she “woke up like a Phoenix from the ash”.

While sentenced to Mulene, Judge Rice Rowlands said: “This is one of the extraordinary situations where a life sentence can be justified.

“You are a very dangerous sexual hunter and the risk you create for others are likely to continue for the future of the future.”

After the hearing, the details of the deeve of the North Wales Police said that he welcomed the sentence, saying: “The life of the victim and his family has been unchanged affected, I hope that he is a Gives some rest by getting into long detention.

Teresa Owen, Executive Director of Allied Health Professional at Batesi Cadwaladra University Health Board, said the attack “had a profound impact on the employees that night, who were on duty that night, as well as other colleagues who work in Glenn Clode Hospital”.

“We will never accept violence in any form, against anyone on our healthcare sites,” he said.

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