Neath: Owner Matty Young Sorry ‘Not’ Post ‘Post

The owner of the Neath Rugby Club, Matty Young, apologized for a social media post on the club’s official X channel stating that the upcoming game is “certainly not for girls”.
Since the post removed by the post, the strong condemnation inspired the strong condemnation before trying to justify the initial message.
In a new statement released on social media too, Young wrote: “I honestly apologize for any crime. It was never my intention and does not reflect any approach within RFC in any way.
“I take full ownership as the owner of the club and the author of the post. From the beginning the idea was to brighten a light on casual misconceptions from the beginning which is still present in some parts of the rugby and more importantly, to make the champions champions of incredible women and girls who represent our club with passion, skills and dedication.
“Now I believe that the initial post did not express this message effectively, and for this, I am sorry. I would also like to apologize to Lalangench RFC, who had no prior knowledge that this was our initial strategy. We are ready to welcome them to Ganol.”