Five jails on conspiracy to kidnap German minister

Five jails on conspiracy to kidnap German minister

Five members of a German remote group have been jailed to uproot the government and conspiracy to kidnap its health minister.

Four of the group were described as “Ringalders” of the “Terrorist Organization”, which planned to use violence to trigger conditions such as civil war in Germany.

The group had planned to kidnap Health Minister Karl robbers – a lawyer of strict Kovid -19 measures during the epidemic – and if necessary to kill his bodyguard.

Internal Minister Nancy Faer said that the defendants had introduced “a huge threat” for national security.

The Cobalenz High Regional Court heard that the group came together in January 2022 and formulated a plan that included a sabotage attack to disable the power grid.

Group – 46 and 58 and a 77 -year -old woman was made up of four men – they were expected to join by disgruntled members of the security forces.

Four defendants described as Ringalders were sentenced to five years and nine months and eight years in jail by a court in West Germany.

The fifth defendant was sentenced to two years and 10 months after almost two years of trial.

The identity of the guilty five people has not been publicly disclosed.

The group were associated with the citizens of Reich, whose followers believe that the German Empire, which collapsed in 1918, continues to exist. Investigators say it was led by the German aristocratic class Henrik XIII Prince Race.

It is also said about him that he has taken inspiration from the Qanon conspiracy principle movement, which is Some are associated with Donald Trump’s supporters In America.

After the verdict, Lauterbach – Center -Wam Social Democratic Party (SDP) thanked the police and said that the state showed “This violent conspiracy could defend itself against the theorists”.

Fesar said: “For attacks on the infrastructure of health, violent schemes for a coup for the kidnapping of Health Minister Carl robbers and killing their bodyguards show a huge threat.”

He said that security services “take seriously the threats generated by the citizens of the rich scene and” we are protecting our democracy “.

The punishment follows several tests targeting distant distance groups associated with the citizens of Reich that reject the validity of the modern German state.

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