American loses Britain’s appeal to become legally non-binary

American loses Britain’s appeal to become legally non-binary

An American who formally wanted to be formally recognized as a non-binary in the UK has been told by the court that his gender identity is not legally present in this country.

Ryan Caseluki first lost the challenge of a High Court, in which the gender recognition certificate was recorded as a non -binary – a document that changes someone’s legal sex – after going to the UK in 2019.

He had a legal recognition as a non-binary in California in 2021, and an American passport was issued in 2022, listed as his sex as ‘X’.

Dismiss the appealLord Justice Singh said that the issue was “potentially controversial” and “better suited to resolution in Parliament than the courts”.

In earlier hearing, the court heard how California, a cyber security expert Caseluki, has used the title “MX” and refer to themselves/use pronouns to them.

While he has undergone surgery and hormone treatment, he told the court that he continues to use the name Ryan as it is considered a unisex in the US.

Castelucci described the experience of trying to achieve legal documents, listing them as non-dwellers, and the court has heard that they have heard that they apply for British citizenship and possible difficulties related to their gender identity while applying for British citizenship Are worried about.

He also expressed concern about how his gender identity would be reflected on his death certificate, when his American documents suggest that they are non-binary.

Lord Justice Singh, sitting with Dame Victoria Sharp and Sir Andrew McFarlen, said that only 11 countries worldwide, as well as some American states, including California have recognized non-reinforcement gender in law.

Non-binary is a umbrella word for those who do not specifically identify as male or female.

One in Decision published on TuesdayLord Justice Singh said: “The concept of ‘Gender’ in the Linga Recognition Act (GRA), when referred to in terms of domestic law path, is limited to two sexes.”

He said, on the earlier appeal in 2023, the government said that “no change was required at present and more research and counseling would be required before considering any change”.

He said: “There is no consensus, either in the Council of Europe or generally in the world, in favor of recognizing the non-binary status.

“In addition, it is a field of social policy that is highly sensitive and potentially controversial, making it better to resolve in Parliament rather than courts.

“This is not only for the causes of democratic validity, but also for the reasons for institutional capacity.”

Ana Duus, Associate Solicitor, who represented Firm Castelluki in Leh Day, said he was considering appealing to the ruling.

He said: “Ryan’s only registered gender is non-dweller. Despite the Parliament law for Britain to recognize foreign-intelligent sexes, the courts have so far decided that non-binary is not counting foreign gender.

“Ryan believes that without recognition of the fact, true gender cannot be equality that not all genders are binary.”

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