Domestic misuse launched after 999 pilot murders

Domestic misuse launched after 999 pilot murders

Will jeford

BBC News, West Midlands

In a gold headscarf and green and gold dress, the family wearing a black dress with Ranem Odeh, and her mother opened Salim, a black headscarf and a white floral pattern.Family

In 2018, Renam Odeh and his mother Khola Salim were killed by the public in 2018, after reporting the violence to the police, he said that he met.

Domestic misconduct experts have to be embedded in 999 control rooms of five police forces with a view to providing better assistance to the victims.

A pilot, known as “Ranem’s law”, comes after 22 -year -old Ranem Odeh, his mother was murdered in the hands of Ms. Odeh along with Khola Salim. East-Sathi Janabaz TarinIn 2018.

Home Secretary Yatete Cooper announced a step by the Labor Party as part of a dialect, for the “overhaul” emergency reactions by the police for domestic misconduct.

Experts will join the control room for West Midlands, Northebria, Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire and Hambersides forces.

The government has confirmed that in the next financial year, £ 2.2M will be made available to fund the first stages of Raneem’s law.

Cooper in 2024, who was the then Shadow Home Secretary, Was floated He idea of ​​initiative after “missed opportunities” by agencies to protect two women killed in Solihul.

In November 2022, an inquiry ends Mistakes by West Midlands Police “Physically contributed” to his death.

He was killed by Terin at night, Ms. Odeh called the force four times to report concerns about her safety.

It had previously responded to the incidents of 10 domestic misconduct related to Terin and violence related to Terin and Five officers have later been disciplined on force failures,

A headshot of Graham Hodson Noor Noris, a knitted blazer, a white blouse and a black neck tieGraham Hodson

Noor Noris says

Noor Noris, lead campaigner, aunt and sister of Ms. Odeh and Ms. Salim, said: “Ranem was entitled to help her needs, my sister, opened, who broke my heart because she was stuck in all this, Was able to live around the children.

“It’s not just about saving life; it is also about making sure that the victims who have a chance to live really, free from fear and loss.

“They deserve security, dignity and future. We cannot wait for another tragedy. We should build safety measures that should have been with everyone.”

As part of the pilot, experts will review the upcoming domestic misconduct calls and advise the officials who respond to the incidents on the ground.

They will facilitate training sessions on domestic misconduct for the employees of the Force Control Room and ensure that the victims are referred to for specialist assistance services.

Yvette Cooper, a black blazer in 2024 and a white blouse in a BBC Studio

In 2024, as Chhaya Home Secretary, Yatete Cooper thought of putting domestic violence experts in police emergency control rooms.

Speaking after announcing the new policy, Cooper said: “The way the West Midlands police failed so badly, it has been determined to learn a lesson from it and it is welcome that they are welcome , Bedfordshire, Humbercide, Northern and Northamptonshire are all pioneers. Approach.

“We need to change the future for others, where we could not for the Renom, as part of our mission to half of women and girls in a decade.”

It is expected that these will help the first five experts to facilitate a national roll-out in all 43 police forces in England and Wales.

Jess Philips, a minister of security and violence against women and girls, said Ranem’s death showed “devastating cost of missed opportunities”.

“Working with Noor shows me the true meaning of courage and determination,” he said.

“Ranem’s fight for the law, it is too late before changing things for the victims of domestic misconduct, will save life.”

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