UK men and women can expect to live long, data shows

UK men and women can expect to live long, data shows

Boys born in UK in 2023 can expect to live on an average till the age of 86.7 years, and girls up to 90, Latest data tips,

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) says that figures show a continuous trend of prolonged life expectancy for men and women.

Experts say that the difference of survival between the sexes is narrowing, for men who lead a partially healthy lifestyle, say experts.

Estimates suggest that one of more than 10 boys and one of the six girls born in 2023 will live at at least 100 years of age.

The ONS Report is based on the most up-to-date existing figures for 2023, and makes predictions for the future based on trends and estimates.

For example, one of the four girls may be expected to be up to 100 in one of the five children born in 2047.

Overall, men born in 2047 may have 89.3 years of life expectancy, and women may be 92.2 years.

Although estimates can change, and life expectancy figures are for the population – they do not mean that every person will live in old age.

In 2023, men of 65 years of age in the UK can expect to live on average, 19.8 years, and live. For women of 65 years in 2023, this figure is 22.5 and year of life.

Estimates suggest that by 2047, it can grow up to 21.8 and years for 65 -year -old men and may be 24.4 more years for women in the 60s.

Kerry Gadsdon of ONS said that statistics suggest that the difference of life expectancy between men and women has been stopping, and has been for decades.

“This is likely to be caused by improvement in lifestyle, for example a decrease in smoking rates and the working status of men over several decades, as well as progress in healthcare, prevention of heart disease and treatment. It is estimated to do 2.5 years by 2072.

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