€ 5 meter cocaine seized in Kildare

€ 5 meter cocaine seized in Kildare

Garda Cyrichan several bags of cocaine placed on a table.Garda cam

About 72 kg was discovered after a stop and discovery in the Ellenwood region of Cocaine Kildare

Two people have been arrested after the seizure of the price of € 5m (£ 4m) cocaine in County Killed.

On Wednesday, the Guardai (Irish police) stopped and discovered a vehicle and a residential property and a residential property and about 72 kg cocaine were discovered in the Eleinwood area.

In the 50s and 60s, men of the age groups were arrested for facilitating and enhancing drug distribution activities for an organized crime group.

He was later accused and due to the Nas District Court on Thursday.

Angela Willis, Assistant Commissioner of Organized and Serious Crime, said it is “another important seizure of cocaine for the Irish market”.

“A Garda Syony and our law enforcement partners are committed to targeting people engaged in organized crime related to drug that leads to nationwide damage, threats and violence in our communities.”

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