Public invited to suggest name for the next archbishop

After the resignation of Justin Welby, the public is being invited to suggest names for the next archbishop of Cantorbury.
Mr. Welbi left the Church of England’s most senior role in January following a harmful report in a drug addict of a huge child associated with the church.
His replacement will be the 106th appointment for the role, one of which is the spiritual leader of the Anglican Church worldwide.
Historically, the candidates are already holding senior leadership positions in the church in the ministry or elsewhere in the Anglican Communian. They should be at least 30 years of age and are usually less than 70.
Names can be presented to the Crown Nomination Commission (CNC), the body accused of nominating the new archbishop.
The church stated that counseling, which lasts until March 28, had the opportunity to gather ideas of a wide range of people from all over England and a wide range of Anglican Communians on gifts, qualities and skills “for role”.
There will be no such advertisement, for which anyone can put forward their name, instead “invited in this process” with possible candidates.
People can present their views on the Church of England website.
The 20-Meiny CNC panel that will select the next archbishop of the canterbury is not yet formally. For the first time it will consist of five members located abroad in the Anglican Church.
This will be found in May, July and September to “pray, reflect and enroll and nominate” in July and September and the chosen person will need two-thirds of votes out of 17 polling members.
Then the name will be given to the Prime Minster which will take it to the king for approval.
Mr. Welbi resigned for handling John Smith, a sad derogatory of the church, who A report stated that cruel sexual, physical and mental abuse was done From the late 1970s against over 120 boys and youth.
The report states that Mr. Welbi had “personal and moral responsibility” and he could “in the case”.
Initially, after opposing the call to call, he resigned on 12 November, saying he was “saddened by all the victims and the survivors of misbehavior”.
But in early December, misconduct victims reacted with “hatred” in a small farewell speech, Mr. Welbi gave a jokes at the House of Lords, in which he made jokes. Shri welby The next day apologized,
Before leaving the role, he did not preach a Christmas day at the Cantorbury Cathedral and did not transmit the message of the New Year day, as it would usually be through the BBC.