Deepsek vs. Chat – How do they compare?

Deepsek vs. Chat – How do they compare?

Graham Fraser

Technology reporter

Getty images Deepseik and Chatgpt logoGetty images

The emergence of Chinese AI app Deepsek has shocked the financial markets, and indicated US President Donald Trump asked to describe it as “a wake-up call” For US Tech Industry.

Deepsek claims that its R1 Artificial Intelligence (AI) model was built on a part of the cost of its rivals Have raised questions about the future about the whole industryAnd some of the largest companies in the world caused the sinking in value.

A week after the launch of Deepsac, the most downloaded free app in America has become the free app.

So how does it compare its much more established and apparently very expensive American rivals, such as openi’s chat and Google’s Gemini?

Writing aid

Kenny Dallaish images playing football for Scotland in 1985Getty images

Kenny Dalglish in Action for Scotland in 1985

When you ask chat what are the most popular reasons to use chat, it says that it is one of them to help people write writing.

Collecting information in an auxiliary format to write a blog post on a subject and in short, the chatgip has become an AI partner for many in various workplaces.

As a proud Scottish football fan, I asked the chat and Deepsek to summarize the best Scottish football players, “From Chatbots to” from Chatbots “History to draft the blog post that summarizes the best Scottish football players in history” Before asking.

Deepsek replied in seconds, with a top ten list – Kenny Dalgling and Celtic number one of Liverpool. It helps the players play, their clubs, and a brief list of their achievements.

Deepsek also expanded two non -scotish players – Rangers Legend Brian Lodrap, who is Danish, and Celtic Hero Heinrich Larsen. For the latter, it was added “although Swedish, Larsen is often included in the discussion of Scottish football legends due to their influence in Celtic”.

For his subsequent blog posts, it went into the expansion of Lodrup’s nationality before giving a brief description of the players’ career.

In response to the same question, there were many of the same names, with “King Kenny” once again at the top of the list.

Its detailed blog post was briefly and accurately went into the career of all the players.

It was concluded: “While the game has changed for decades, the influence of these Scottish great people remains timeless.” In fact.

For this funny test, Deepsek was definitely comparable to its most famous American contestant.


Getty images two koders see on one screenGetty images

The emergence of advanced AI models has made a difference to those who are code.

When chats experienced an outage last weekX had several entertaining posts of developers, stating that they could not do their work without their work.

How is Deepsek compared here?

AI researchers at the Samsung Medical Center in Seoul, South Korea specialize in research in Xavier Aguirere, Medicine and AI.

In a post on LinkedIn On Tuesday, he wrote: “I am greatly impressed by Deepsek. During coding, we usually try to explode AI chatbots to the extent to see their abilities in assisting with coding.

“Today I had a really difficult and complex problem. Even the chat O1 was not able to give enough argument to solve it. I gave Dipsec an attempt and solved it at a straight point once more . “

He also stated that for coders, combination with models can lead to success. It was echoed by Antine Osmani, who is the lead of chrome developer experience in Google.

For her in a post 208k followers on LinkedInHe talked about a combination of Deepsek with US AI firm Anthropic’s equipment Claude Sonnet. In 2023, Amazon invested $ 4bn into anthropic.

Mr. Usman said: “Code with AI? Dipsek R1 + Cloud Sonnet can be the best new hybrid coding model. Yes, engineers are using them together.”

Mr. Usman also said that Deepsek Cloud was “quite cheaper” than both O1 models of Cloud Sonnet and OpenEE.


Getty image moonGetty images

What about churning? I told me to give ideas for a story about a boy for a story for children, who live on the moon “.

Chatgpt responded to six neatly summarized views in seconds. There was about a boy named Max who worked as a postman on the moon and was sent to a adventure. Another Oliver was about the sound of a mysterious orchestra made of aliens.

None of these stories are going to challenge Harry Potter or Ronald Dahl at any time at any time, but it is probably a beginning for more sophisticated ideas.

On the other hand, Deepsek replied with just one idea – “Luna and stars chasing boys”. Its response was 387 words (there was no mention of anyone or a thing called “luna”), and a story about a curious boy called Milo who lived on the moon.

This hit me that when the chat gave me the idea, Deepsek wrote a full story. This was not particularly good, with a simple focus on the character going from A to B, but it was a beginning – and it was impressive how quickly it was distributed.

Learning and research

IWM/ Getty Images British Soldiers of the Battle of the MonIWM/ Getty Images

One of the most famous images of the First World War is this picture of British soldiers with the Somme battle in 1916.

One of my memories from high school is my history teacher who explains to us how the First World War came to follow a complex situation about many European powers, with a struggle in 1914 with the struggle of Arcadeuk Franz Ferdinand’s murder With conflict.

How will chatbots deal with explaining such complex and fine pieces of history? very nice.

Chatgpt gave a detailed account and underlined major factors. Deepsek’s account was not as detailed, but its brief observation covered all the main points and events.

Gemini Assistant of Google gave chat and Deepsek a similar synopsis, and also gave the user an opportunity to click on the link from reputed sources such as the Imperial War Museum in the UK.

As I saw at other functions and signs, Deepsek was definitely comparable to its American contestants.

move on

The tasks I set chatbots were simple, but they point to some more important – the winners of the so -called AI race are far from the fixed.

American firms have inserted technology for all vast resources, their Chinese rival has shown that their achievements can be imitated.

Professor Neil Lawrence, the Department of Machine Learning at the Department of Computer Science and Technology at the University of Cambridge, said it was just the beginning.

“I think it is just the tip of the iceberg in the context of these types of innovation that we can expect in these models,” he said.

He highlighted an example from history – James Watt Steam is synonymous with the engine, even though he improved it instead of inventing it.

He said, “There is a lot of space for James Watts to emerge, and they are less likely to come from the established players,” he said.

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