Cooper to reject calls to widen the definition of extremism

Cooper to reject calls to widen the definition of extremism

Tom Symonds, political correspondent and Sam Francis, Political Reporter

BBC News

PA Media Home Secretary Yett Cooper wearing a red suitPA media

The government is ready to reject internal advice to widen the definition of extremism to include potential violent environmentalists, far -remote, prejudiced men against the theorists and men of the conspiracy.

The BBC has been reported that Home Secretary Yett Cooper does not agree with the central conclusions of a rapid “Sprint” report that he commissioned last year, and would order the government to focus on the Islamist and far-flung extremism.

This was leaked in the policy exchange think tank following the sections of the report, which criticized the recommendations.

A home office spokesman said that the government is “considering a wide range of potential next steps” from the report.

The spokesperson said, “The counter extremism sprint demanded a foundation for a new approach to widely assess the challenge facing our country and to deal with extremism – so we are attracted to disgusting ideologies. Can stop, “the spokesperson said.

“This involves dealing with Islamism and extreme right -wing ideologies, which are the most prominent today”.

In July 2024, Cooper commissioned home office officials to rapidly review the UK extremism, in view Last summer riots all over Britain After killing three young girls in Southport.

The review was tasked to shape a new counter-actress strategy, which addresses online and offline hazards from Islamist and far-wishes with a broad spectrum of extremism.

Speaking at the time, Cooper said the review “would identify any interval in the current policy, which needs to be addressed to tighten the harmful and disgusting beliefs and people who carry forward violence”.

The leaked section of the report published by the Policy Exchange recommends the government’s counter-extremism strategy, focusing on “behavior of anxiety” rather than “ideologies”.

In the behavior of anxiety, violence against women, misinformation and spreading principles of conspiracy, attraction with gore or participation in online subculture are called “Manosfare” – which promotes misunderstandings and protests to feminism.

According to the Policy Exchange, many people in the report accept those who display such behavior, they will not be counted as extremists.

The policy exchange has not made public the leaked version of the home office report, but has published its evaluation, which has quoted a large scale from the document.

The current strategy of the government, Known as competition, “Ideologically unknown”.

But counter-customerist officers focus on their efforts to deal with Islamism and right-wing extremism-the two most prominent threats for the Britain.

MI5 director Ken McCallum said UK terrorism of October Attempts deal with 75% and 25% distant extremists with Islamist threats.

The report urged to cover the definition of Islamists and extreme right as well as extremism:

  • Excessive misunderstanding,
  • Khalistan extremist advocating an independent Sikh state,
  • Hindu nationalist extremism,
  • Environmental extremism,
  • Leftist, anarchist and single-hearted extremism (lasi),
  • The attraction of violence and,
  • Theory of plot

The home office review found two-level policing claims, where two groups are allegedly treated separately after equal behavior, a right-wing extremist story was leaking into the mainstream debate.

The policy exchange writer, who released the findings of the home office, stated that the review “goes in the wrong direction”.

Former journalist and government advisor Andrew Giligan and Paul Stot, head of security and extremism in the policy exchange, said: “Counter-extremism and counter-violence aims to defend the security of the country, its democratic values ​​against them and their democratic values ​​against them. Institutions whose faith and tasks deliberately threaten them.

“Such threats are overwhelmed by an ideological or political purpose, mainly Islamism, but also from other forms of distant and extremism.”

The authors stated that the recommendations of the report “already increased” increase security services, while re -defying extremism, threatening to “threatened a free speech.”

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