Record of China’s ‘artificial sun’! It remained hot for 1 thousand seconds, the temperature reached 100 million degrees

This machine tries to use the power of nuclear fusion. It is called an artificial sun because the setup of the machine mimics the nuclear reactions that actually occur inside the sun. In this, gases like hydrogen and deuterium are used as fuel. This experiment can bring scientists closer to ‘unlimited clean energy’.
Scientists say that there is hope that the energy obtained through EAST will be put to commercial use in the future. However, this experiment still has to reach greater heights. A point has to be reached in which nuclear fusion retains its energy for a long time.
Chinese scientists have been doing this experiment since 2006. The reactor has conducted hundreds of tests so far. With this, China has started construction of a new generation fusion research facility. Scientists consider nuclear fusion as a clean source of energy. Our Sun also gets energy from this. In contrast, in nuclear power plants energy is created by combining atomic nuclei.
The energy that Chinese scientists are working on does not produce any greenhouse gases. There is no danger from him. If such energy can be used for human use, then all the countries of the world can benefit.