12 things we have seen in Oscar class photos

Entertainment reporter

Ariana Grande, Timothy Chalmet and Demi Moore were among the nominees of Oscar, who gathered at Los Angeles on Tuesday for the annual “class photo”.
On Sunday (2 March), beyond the Academy Awards, people nominated to all categories were invited to dinner and mingle on cocktails, as an incident award race race comes to its conclusion.
Class photos, an attraction of the film calendar, is usually taken long ago in the awards, in the nominee lunch, but this year the incident was canceled due to La Wildfire.
Here are 12 things that we have seen in this year’s class photo:

1. Ariana and Synthia made it to the front

Synthia Erivo and Ariana Grande have spent crying in the last few months, holding space and breaking each other’s fingers as they promoted the screen adaptation of the wicked.
The two actresses have thanked the film press tour in recent weeks for their full worship for each other – an energy will re -create them at the end of this year when they do all this again for the release of Part Two.
Before taking the photo, instead of saying Paneer, Erivo shouted: “Everyone says’ Oscar nominated!” ,
Last week, it was confirmed that the pair would perform a medley of songs from the film during the Oscar ceremony, which would last 10 minutes long.
The wicked is the closest thing that Oscars are for a box office smash in the size of last year’s Barbie this year, and they will hop that Medley will re -create the energy of the viral performance of Ryan Gosling of Just Kane last year.
2. We need this woman’s jumper

We know that the weather is getting hot and the sun is already rising because we move towards spring, but we are always looking for a colorful comfortable jumper and we need to examine the origin of this one as an immediate priority.
The class photo has a woman Maya Ganip with an errorless sweater selection – I am ready, a manufacturer of the warden – nominated for the Best Documentary Short.
The film follows Texas Death Ro prisoner John Henry Ramire in its last days.
3. A-listers packed the front line

The front row was the fellow acting nominees to join Ariana and Synthia.
The Best Supporting Actress for Saldana Emilia Perez is almost certain to win, who took a trophy on a string of forever incidents including BAFTA, SAG Awards and Golden Globes.
Consequently, his fellow category enrolled individuals such as Bubaro, who play the role of Zone Baise in Bob Dylan Biopic A Full Unknown, have had to practice their best “IM Just Empit” this year.
Madison, however, is a co-co-colon in a tight race for the leading actress. Anora Star is against Demi Moore for substance in the category seen as a dead heat.
4. James mangold changed in time

James Magold, nominated for a complete unknown this year, is one of the most respected and favorite directors of Hollywood.
So why is he sitting on the seat of a corridor in the second-read line, looking at all his friends, looking at the sheep?
This is probably because he has only made a class of classes from the skin of his teeth, Arrived late for the event Cheers from his fellow enrolled people after a affectionate collective groan.
Despite a prestigious Hollywood career, Mangold is the first nominated person in the best director category, as his fellow nominees are Korli Farget, Sean Baker, Brady Corbett and Jacks Audiard.
5. We want to be the fifth member of this gang

In a year, where disappointing some stars pulled funny faces or made the eye -holding hand gestures, while the photo was being taken, we appreciate the team from the black box diary to join and celebrate in the hands.
He is the director of the film Shiori Eto (second left), editor Emma Ryan Yamazaki (remote right) and producers Hannah Akillin and Eric Nyari.
The film enrolled in the documentary feature category examines a sexual attack in Japan.
6. The biggest stars were in the back line

Sitting in the back row, so far from the photographer that his faces are some blurred and focusing, three of the biggest stars in this year’s race.
The center is the substance star Demi Moore, who is enrolled for playing the role of an aging aerobics instructor, who takes a black-marketing medicine to create a small, more beautiful version of himself.
She has joined both sides by supporting the actor’s nomination Gai Pierce (left), recognized for her role in cruelist, and Edward Norton, who is nominated for playing the role of Peat Segar in a complete unknown.
7. Burney and brandy appeared without Elton

Apart from this, lyricist Burney Tupin and singer-song Brandy Karlile were roaming in the front row.
The pair is nominated in the Best Original Song category for the title track from Sir Elton John’s recent documentary.
Sir Elton was not himself, however, despite co-writing the song with the pair.
It is likely that he will attend the Oscar on Sunday, but he will not sing his song as the academy has removed the nominee of the original song during the ceremony this year.
Instead, Lisa from Doja Cat, Blackpink, Queen Latifa and Ray will be among other artists during the ceremony with wicked medley.
8. Timothy Chalmet looked a little lonely

Timothy Chelmet joined his fellow nominations, a few days a few days after winning a stunning victory at the SAG Awards for a complete unknown.
In his speech, The actor spoke His desire to be a “one of the great people of Hollywood”.
However, actor Frontner is not aggressively promoting as Frontner Adrian Body, and for class photos, Chelmet took a corridor seat, bowing down and put his fist on his chest.
He is just sitting in front of Anora, the director of Anora, Seen Baker and his producer wife Samantha Quan.
9. Leading actors led from behind

The best actor contenders were Adrian Body, Coleman Domingo and Sebastian Stan to add forward star power to the spot back Roe.
Body is at the forefront of winning, for his role in cruelist as a Hungarian architect, who goes to America after the World War 2 and is taken under the wing of a rich businessman.
Sing Sing Star Domingo plays the role of a prison prisoner who is involved in a performance art program, while Stan is nominated to portray a young Donald Trump.
10. Ralph represented for Brites

The acting categories this year are Felicity Jones of British Brutilist, Vicade’s Synthia Erivo and Ralph Fianne of Conclave.
Actor Sing’s John “Divine G” was sitting in the back row with Whitfield.
Fiennes The best actor is unlikely to win, but if the conclave top Oscar wins, he will become the first actor to appear in the four best picture winners.
11. Some enrolled persons were distinguished by his absence

Apparently, every nominee was not available to attend the dinner – the best actor’s Frontner Keran Kirn Kulkin was one of the missing stars from the class photo.
But other people were distinguished by his absence, mostly Emilia Perez star Carla Sophia Gaskon.
Actress is currently a personality non -Greta in Hollywood, He posted after some historical tweets Recently revived in recent weeks, in many categories, the possibilities of the film’s awards were severely damaged.
However, it has been confirmed that she will attend the Oscar ceremony on Sunday – although it remains to be seen if she will walk on the red carpet and sit with her co -artist.
12. Clarence McLin knows what time it is

Sing Sing Star Clarence Macqueline was considered the most notable absence in the best actor category this year.
But he is still nominated in the Oscar for the credit of his story on the film, which means that he is recognized in the best customized screenplay category.
Macqueline was one of the real -life prisoners in the Sing Sing Jail, sentenced to 17 years in jail for robbery of 29 years, and members of the rehabilitation of the jail through the Arts (RTA) program.
In class photos, Macqueline, who plays a version of himself in Sing Sing, is either examining his watch or possibly sneezing.